Slack Developer Kit for Node.js
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Kind: global class

reactionsFacet.add(name, [opts], [optCb])

Adds a reaction to an item.

Kind: instance method of [ReactionsFacet](#ReactionsFacet)
See: reactions.add

Param Type Description
name ? Reaction (emoji) name.
[opts] Object  
opts.file ? File to add reaction to.
opts.file_comment ? File comment to add reaction to. ? Channel where the message to add reaction to was posted.
opts.timestamp ? Timestamp of the message to add reaction to.
[optCb] function Optional callback, if not using promises.

reactionsFacet.get([opts], [optCb])

Gets reactions for an item.

Kind: instance method of [ReactionsFacet](#ReactionsFacet)
See: reactions.get

Param Type Description
[opts] Object  
opts.file ? File to get reactions for.
opts.file_comment ? File comment to get reactions for. ? Channel where the message to get reactions for was posted.
opts.timestamp ? Timestamp of the message to get reactions for.
opts.full ? If true always return the complete reaction list.
[optCb] function Optional callback, if not using promises.

reactionsFacet.list([opts], [optCb])

Lists reactions made by a user.

Kind: instance method of [ReactionsFacet](#ReactionsFacet)
See: reactions.list

Param Type Description
[opts] Object  
opts.user ? Show reactions made by this user. Defaults to the authed user.
opts.full ? If true always return the complete reaction list.
[optCb] function Optional callback, if not using promises.

reactionsFacet.remove(name, [opts], [optCb])

Removes a reaction from an item.

Kind: instance method of [ReactionsFacet](#ReactionsFacet)
See: reactions.remove

Param Type Description
name ? Reaction (emoji) name.
[opts] Object  
opts.file ? File to remove reaction from.
opts.file_comment ? File comment to remove reaction from. ? Channel where the message to remove reaction from was posted.
opts.timestamp ? Timestamp of the message to remove reaction from.
[optCb] function Optional callback, if not using promises.