Slack Developer Kit for Node.js
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Kind: global class

new RTMClient(token, [opts])

Creates a new instance of RTM client.

Param Type Default Description
token string   The token to use for connecting
[opts] Object    
[opts.socketFn] RTMClient~socketFn   A function to call, passing in a websocket URL, that should return a websocket instance connected to that URL
[opts.dataStore] [SlackDataStore](#SlackDataStore) | null | false   A store to cache Slack info. Recommended value is false. Default value is an instance of SlackMemoryDataStore.
[opts.autoReconnect] boolean true Whether or not to automatically reconnect when the connection closes
[opts.useRtmConnect] boolean false Whether to use rtm.connect rather than rtm.start. Recommended value is true.
[opts.retryConfig] Object   The retry policy to use, defaults to forever with exponential backoff, see node-retry for more details.
[opts.maxReconnectionAttempts] number   DEPRECATED: Use retryConfig instead
[opts.reconnectionBackoff] number   DEPRECATED: Use retryConfig instead
[opts.wsPingInterval] number 5000 The time (in ms) to wait between pings with the server
[opts.maxPongInterval] number   The max time (in ms) to wait for a pong before reconnecting
[opts.logLevel] string "info" The log level for the logger
[opts.logger] RTMClient~logFn   Function to use for log calls, takes (logLevel, logString) parameters

rtmClient._socketFn : function

Kind: instance property of [RTMClient](#RTMClient) : Object

The active websocket.

Kind: instance property of [RTMClient](#RTMClient)

rtmClient.connected : boolean

Kind: instance property of [RTMClient](#RTMClient)

rtmClient.authenticated : boolean

Kind: instance property of [RTMClient](#RTMClient)

rtmClient.activeUserId : string

The id of the user that’s currently connected via this client.

Kind: instance property of [RTMClient](#RTMClient)

rtmClient.activeTeamId : string

The id of the team that’s currently connected via this client.

Kind: instance property of [RTMClient](#RTMClient)

rtmClient.dataStore : [SlackDataStore](#SlackDataStore)

Kind: instance property of [RTMClient](#RTMClient)

rtmClient._pingTimer : ?

The timer repeatedly pinging the server to let it know the client is still alive.

Kind: instance property of [RTMClient](#RTMClient)


Kind: instance method of [RTMClient](#RTMClient)


Begin an RTM session.

Kind: instance method of [RTMClient](#RTMClient)

Param Type
opts object



Kind: instance method of [RTMClient](#RTMClient)


Generates the next message id to use.

NOTE: This id must be unique per RTM connection.

Kind: instance method of [RTMClient](#RTMClient)


Connects to the RTM API.

Kind: instance method of [RTMClient](#RTMClient)

Param Type Description
socketUrl String The URL of the websocket to connect to.

rtmClient.disconnect(optReason, optCode)

Disconnects from the RTM API.

Kind: instance method of [RTMClient](#RTMClient)

Param Type
optReason Error
optCode Number


Attempts to reconnect to the websocket by retrying the start method.

Kind: instance method of [RTMClient](#RTMClient)


Handler to deal with the WebSocket open event. NOTE: this.connected doesn’t get set to true until the helloHandler is called.

Kind: instance method of [RTMClient](#RTMClient)


Handler to deal with the WebSocket message event.

Kind: instance method of [RTMClient](#RTMClient)

Param Type
wsMsg object

rtmClient._handleMessageAck(replyTo, message)

Handler for the remote server’s response to a message being sent on the websocket.

Kind: instance method of [RTMClient](#RTMClient)



Emits the websocket error.

Kind: instance method of [RTMClient](#RTMClient)

Param Type
err Object

rtmClient.handleWsClose(code, reason)

Occurs when the websocket closes.

Kind: instance method of [RTMClient](#RTMClient)

Param Type Description
code String The error code
reason String The reason for closing


Handles the RTM API’s pong message, updating the lastPong time on the client.

Kind: instance method of [RTMClient](#RTMClient)

Param Type
message Object


If we haven’t received a pong in too long, treat any incoming message as a pong to prevent unnecessary disconnects.

Kind: instance method of [RTMClient](#RTMClient)

Param Type
message Object


Occurs when the socket connection is opened. Begin ping-pong with the server. hello

Kind: instance method of [RTMClient](#RTMClient)

rtmClient.sendMessage(text, channelId, [optCb])

Helper for sending a simple message to a channel|group|DM etc via the RTM API.

Kind: instance method of [RTMClient](#RTMClient)

Param Type Description    
text string The text of the messsage to send.    
channelId string The id of the channel group DM to send this message to.
[optCb] function      

rtmClient.updateMessage(message, [optCb])

Helper for updating a sent message via the ‘chat.update’ API call

Kind: instance method of [RTMClient](#RTMClient)

Param Type Description
message object message The message object to be updated, see /lib/clients/web/facets/chat.js for more details
[optCb] function Optional callback


Sends a typing indicator to indicate that the user with activeUserId is typing.

Kind: instance method of [RTMClient](#RTMClient)

Param Type Description    
channelId string The id of the channel group DM to send this message to.


Subscribes this socket to presence changes for only the given userIds. This requires presence_sub to have been passed as an argument to start.

Kind: instance method of [RTMClient](#RTMClient)

Param Type Description
userIds Array The user IDs to subscribe to

rtmClient.send(message, [optCb])

Sends a message over the websocket to the server.

Kind: instance method of [RTMClient](#RTMClient)

Param Type Description
message \* The message to send back to the server.
[optCb] function