Slack Developer Kit for Node.js
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Kind: global class

conversationsFacet.archive(channel, [optCb])

Archives a conversation.

Kind: instance method of [ConversationsFacet](#ConversationsFacet)
See: conversations.archive

Param Type Description
channel ? ID of conversation to archive
[optCb] function Optional callback, if not using promises.

conversationsFacet.close(channel, [optCb])

Closes a direct message or multi-person direct message.

Kind: instance method of [ConversationsFacet](#ConversationsFacet)
See: conversations.close

Param Type Description
channel ? Conversation to close.
[optCb] function Optional callback, if not using promises.

conversationsFacet.create(name, [opts], [optCb])

Initiates a public or private channel-based conversation

Kind: instance method of [ConversationsFacet](#ConversationsFacet)
See: conversations.create

Param Type Description
name ? Name of the public or private channel to create
[opts] Object  
opts.is_private ? Create a private channel instead of a public one
[optCb] function Optional callback, if not using promises.

conversationsFacet.history(channel, [opts], [optCb])

Fetches a conversation’s history of messages and events.

Kind: instance method of [ConversationsFacet](#ConversationsFacet)
See: conversations.history

Param Type Description
channel ? Conversation ID to fetch history for.
[opts] Object  
opts.latest ? End of time range of messages to include in results.
opts.oldest ? Start of time range of messages to include in results.
opts.cursor ? Paginate through collections of data by setting the cursor parameter to a next_cursor attribute returned by a previous request’s response_metadata. Default value fetches the first “page” of the collection. See pagination for more detail.
opts.limit ? The maximum number of items to return. Fewer than the requested number of items may be returned, even if the end of the users list hasn’t been reached.
[optCb] function Optional callback, if not using promises., [opts], [optCb])

Retrieve information about a conversation.

Kind: instance method of [ConversationsFacet](#ConversationsFacet)

Param Type Description
channel ? Channel to get info on
[opts] Object  
opts.include_locale ? Set this to true to receive the locale for this conversation. Defaults to false
[optCb] function Optional callback, if not using promises.

conversationsFacet.invite(channel, users, [optCb])

Invites users to a channel.

Kind: instance method of [ConversationsFacet](#ConversationsFacet)
See: conversations.invite

Param Type Description
channel ? The ID of the public or private channel to invite user(s) to.
users ? A comma separated list of user IDs. Up to 30 users may be listed.
[optCb] function Optional callback, if not using promises.

conversationsFacet.join(channel, [optCb])

Joins an existing conversation.

Kind: instance method of [ConversationsFacet](#ConversationsFacet)
See: conversations.join

Param Type Description
channel ? ID of conversation to join
[optCb] function Optional callback, if not using promises.

conversationsFacet.kick(channel, user, [optCb])

Removes a user from a conversation.

Kind: instance method of [ConversationsFacet](#ConversationsFacet)
See: conversations.kick

Param Type Description
channel ? ID of conversation to remove user from.
user ? User to remove from channel.
[optCb] function Optional callback, if not using promises.

conversationsFacet.leave(channel, [optCb])

Leaves a channel.

Kind: instance method of [ConversationsFacet](#ConversationsFacet)
See: conversations.leave

Param Type Description
channel ? Channel to leave
[optCb] function Optional callback, if not using promises.

conversationsFacet.list([opts], [optCb])

Lists all conversations in a Slack team.

Kind: instance method of [ConversationsFacet](#ConversationsFacet)
See: conversations.list

Param Type Description
[opts] Object  
opts.exclude_archived ? Set to true to exclude archived channels from the list
opts.types ? Mix and match channel types by providing a comma-separated list of any combination of public_channel, private_channel, mpim, im
opts.cursor ? Paginate through collections of data by setting the cursor parameter to a next_cursor attribute returned by a previous request’s response_metadata. Default value fetches the first “page” of the collection. See pagination for more detail.
opts.limit ? The maximum number of items to return. Fewer than the requested number of items may be returned, even if the end of the users list hasn’t been reached.
[optCb] function Optional callback, if not using promises.

conversationsFacet.members(channel, [opts], [optCb])

Retrieve members of a conversation.

Kind: instance method of [ConversationsFacet](#ConversationsFacet)
See: conversations.members

Param Type Description
channel ? ID of the conversation to retrieve members for
[opts] Object  
opts.cursor ? Paginate through collections of data by setting the cursor parameter to a next_cursor attribute returned by a previous request’s response_metadata. Default value fetches the first “page” of the collection. See pagination for more detail.
opts.limit ? The maximum number of items to return. Fewer than the requested number of items may be returned, even if the end of the users list hasn’t been reached.
[optCb] function Optional callback, if not using promises.[opts], [optCb])

Opens or resumes a direct message or multi-person direct message.

Kind: instance method of [ConversationsFacet](#ConversationsFacet)

Param Type Description
[opts] Object ? Resume a conversation by supplying an im or mpim’s ID. Or provide the users field instead.
opts.return_im ? Boolean, indicates you want the full IM channel definition in the response.
opts.users ? Comma separated lists of users. If only one user is included, this creates a 1:1 DM. The ordering of the users is preserved whenever a multi-person direct message is returned. Supply a channel when not supplying users.
[optCb] function Optional callback, if not using promises.

conversationsFacet.rename(channel, name, [optCb])

Renames a conversation.

Kind: instance method of [ConversationsFacet](#ConversationsFacet)
See: conversations.rename

Param Type Description
channel ? ID of conversation to rename
name ? New name for conversation.
[optCb] function Optional callback, if not using promises.

conversationsFacet.replies(channel, ts, [opts], [optCb])

Retrieve a thread of messages posted to a conversation

Kind: instance method of [ConversationsFacet](#ConversationsFacet)
See: conversations.replies

Param Type Description
channel ? Conversation ID to fetch thread from
ts ? Unique identifier of a thread’s parent message
[opts] Object  
opts.cursor ? Paginate through collections of data by setting the cursor parameter to a next_cursor attribute returned by a previous request’s response_metadata. Default value fetches the first “page” of the collection. See pagination for more detail.
opts.limit ? The maximum number of items to return. Fewer than the requested number of items may be returned, even if the end of the users list hasn’t been reached.
[optCb] function Optional callback, if not using promises.

conversationsFacet.setPurpose(channel, purpose, [optCb])

Sets the purpose for a conversation.

Kind: instance method of [ConversationsFacet](#ConversationsFacet)
See: conversations.setPurpose

Param Type Description
channel ? Conversation to set the purpose of
purpose ? A new, specialer purpose
[optCb] function Optional callback, if not using promises.

conversationsFacet.setTopic(channel, topic, [optCb])

Sets the topic for a conversation.

Kind: instance method of [ConversationsFacet](#ConversationsFacet)
See: conversations.setTopic

Param Type Description
channel ? Conversation to set the topic of
topic ? The new topic string. Does not support formatting or linkification.
[optCb] function Optional callback, if not using promises.

conversationsFacet.unarchive(channel, [optCb])

Reverses conversation archival.

Kind: instance method of [ConversationsFacet](#ConversationsFacet)
See: conversations.unarchive

Param Type Description
channel ? ID of conversation to unarchive
[optCb] function Optional callback, if not using promises.